Being the King, Prophet, and Priest

God loves men and women equally, but in His infinite wisdom, He assigned different roles to each of the sexes. Few fathers can be as gentle and nurturing as our motherly counterparts, but we have important parts to play in the leadership of our families, communities, and country. As Christians, we are reformed into the image of Christ. As such, we are to embrace the triple roles of prophet, priest, and king fulfilled perfectly by Jesus.

A prophet is not a fortune teller, divining the future, but instead, the one who speaks the word and will of God to those around him who possess willing ears and open hearts. We are the spiritual shepherds of our flocks, exhorting, encouraging, and guiding with love and gentleness.

While the prophet speaks for God, the priest speaks to God, interceding for those under his care. Kneeling before the Lord, we pour out our hearts in prayer for our families, churches, and nation. We strive to create a better world for our children than the one we were born into. Spending time in our secret place and proclaiming publicly, we supplicate the Father on their behalf.

A worthy king is guided by his prophetic and priestly roles to effectively motivate those under his care. The king understands his power is not through authoritarianism, coercion, intimidation, or domination but through gentleness, inner strength, discernment, and love. He embraces his people, yet he battles valiantly against enemies seeking harm.

Just as the persons of the Triune Godhead are distinct from one another—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the Trinity is still One. Likewise, we have three different, non-overlapping roles melded together as one man.

Lord, give us wisdom and guidance to fulfill the roles you’ve called us to. Help us love as You love, Help us lead as You lead. Give us understanding and bold gentleness. Let us be the men You created us to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.