Russell Herman, a 67-year-old carpenter died in 1994. In his will, he bequeathed staggering amounts of money to arguably terrific causes: more than $2 billion for the City of East St. Louis, another $1.5 billion for the State of Illinois, $2.5 billion for the National Forest Service, and a whopping $6 trillion to help pay off the federal national debt. Amazingly generous except for one slight problem—Herman’s only asset when he passed was a 1983 Oldsmobile. Grand offerings, but no real generosity since his meaningless promises had nothing backing them up.
Contrast this with the true generosity memorialized by Christ. Jesus taught true generosity is determined not by the amount we give or pledge but instead by what overflows from our hearts. When Jesus saw the widow in the temple give everything—the remaining two copper coins she had to live on—he said she put in more than the rich preceding her. The proportional sacrificial gift she gave demonstrated how much she loved and trusted God and His work.
Jesus said, The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good…for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45 ESV). And it is not only the mouth that speaks, but our actions—we produce good. We are known by our fruit. Levels of sacrifice are individually determined. What is relatively easy for one requires an incredible act of faith for another. God sees and honors us stretching our faith to believe His promises, and the widow believed completely. What we truly love is determined not by words but by how we use time and money. Isn’t it amazing that Jesus said in Mathew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also instead of vice-versa?
Lord, help me be more like the widow, giving in complete faith back to you what you have given to me, knowing You will always meet my every need with abundance. I know I can trust You for everything.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.