November is the month of Thanksgiving, but every day should be filled with gratitude for the blessings and salvation of our Lord. While it’s easy to find things to complain about, there is much more to celebrate if we gaze with open eyes.
I think of Evangelists Nick Vujicic (born without arms or legs) and Joni Eareckson (a quadriplegic after misjudging a shallow dive into Chesapeake Bay at age 17). If any were entitled to bitterness and despair, it would be these two. Yet they proclaim God’s goodness and how He has richly blessed them.
Do they have bad days and challenges to bear? Of course. We all do. But they bear them with praise and positivity that can inspire our own walks if we but allow what’s right to overshadow the evils we all face. If you can correct the bad, then do it! But a portion of what goes wrong is beyond our control, so we have only the choices of acceptance or defeat. Acceptance with joy and peace and thankfulness resulting in a positive mindset makes things so much better.
Paul says in Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Rejoice is to be happy and express joy. If we are to do so always, we must do so regardless of whether current circumstances are wonderful or abysmal. Can we really do that? Absolutely. Scripture will not instruct us to do that which we are incapable of doing. But, as humans, it’s far easier to rejoice in times of abundant blessings. And I pray that is the wonderful season you are in.
Lord, thank you for the precious gift of life you have given us. Help us keep our eyes and hearts open to perceive the wondrous gifts you bestow on us daily so we never fail to give thanks for everything you do in all seasons.
In Jesus name, Amen.