David had the experience of years when he penned this wonderful Psalm, evidenced by his choice of words in many of its passages. In verse 17, he acknowledges God has given him valuable instruction since the time of his youth and performed wonderful feats David pledges to make known to others. Specifically, he asks God to let him live long years, even to old age and gray hairs, so he can proclaim God’s might and power to the generations to come.
Our time, like everyone’s, is advancing as well, so I pose the question should we not also take David’s stance of declaring God’s goodness to a generation so desperately needing Him? Our culture today is one in which belief in God is dwindling, the focus instead on worshiping science and self. This path of self-destruction plays right into the enemy’s hands, for to believe self is ultimate is putting creation above creator and the ultimate foolishness. However, our media and institutions of “higher learning” constantly preach this message.
Our job is to counter the enemy’s lies with God’s truth. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (see Rom. 10:17). But how will they hear if we don’t speak? Ezekiel 29:21 instructs us that our Lord will “…open your mouth to speak in their midst. Then they shall know that I am the LORD.”
Our children and our children’s children must know the glory, the holiness, the providence, and the truth of God almighty. If we don’t tell them, who on earth will?
Lord, help us be bold and constant in our demonstration to the generations following us that you alone are God, our divine creator and the lover of our souls. Let us show others Your light reflected from our hearts, so they know the peace and comfort only You can give. Help us, Lord, to take the hands of our children and teach them to be part of that righteous remnant for which You have proclaimed salvation. Let us live for You, as You live within us. Amen.