The Proven Generosity of God

Abraham was allowed to spare the life of his son Isaac, but God our Father chose willingly to sacrifice His only son for us as full atonement for our sins so we would undeservingly inherit everlasting life rather than paying the justified price of eternal death. There is no greater proof of God’s love for us.

If He was willing to give His precious only son, how can we possibly doubt He will also lavish upon us all the rest of His gracious bounty?

The enemy speaks lies, seeking always to demoralize us and erode our confidence in God’s promises and providence. But as we examine the history of our lives, we’ve no basis for any conclusion other than God has always been there, always met every one of our needs, and always will. Always is a synonym for eternal. And God – along with His loving kindness toward us – is eternal.

Never let the doubts the enemy attempts to sow take root in your thoughts. God is faithful to all His promises. God requires our faith, and doubt is exactly the opposite. Although “…God is great, and we know him not… –Job 36:26a ESV, He has revealed enough of His nature and character that we should not hesitate to trust Him completely. No one loves us more. And no one cares and provides for us more.

While we have the personal responsibility of doing all we can do in a particular situation (…and having done all, to stand firm. – Eph 6:13 ESV). After that, we must simply trust God completely.

Brothers and sisters, replace any negative thoughts with positive ones – replace any doubts with eager expectations..

Lord, I put my complete trust in You, knowing You have forever been faithful and loving. No matter the situation or circumstance I know all things work together for my good since I love you and am called to Your purpose. In you alone I place my complete faith. Amen.