As I write this, today’s verse-of-the-day on the YouVersion Bible app is Isaiah 54:17. What an appropriately timed reminder in these days that we live that weapons aimed our way are ineffective and powerless. Our Godly inheritance is vindication from judgmental attacks and ridiculing tongues. We live on the side of righteousness and holiness in a world decaying further into filth, hostility and maliciousness.
TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and roadside billboards routinely assault morality and decency. As a Christian, you are viewed by many as the greatest threat to the world. And indeed you are. The world system is doomed to failure and divine judgement. You’ll be on the winning side in the end, riding beside Jesus as He vanquishes the enemy, but they will openly laugh and gloat before the final hour in which wailing and gnashing of teeth replaces their contempt.
Have you noticed the immoral majority uses a strategy of excessive noise to replace effective heart positions? They think yelling, screaming, finger-pointing, accusing, and demonizing somehow legitimizes their positions. But the opposite is true. As the bard Shakespeare penned, they are “a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”
But you, brothers and sisters, signify so much. You are beloved and blessed, adored by the One who loves beyond all others. You are preserved and being prepared for an eternity of victory—and that victory has already begun. It began when you opened the door to Jesus when He knocked at your heart. Weapons will indeed form, and attacks will come. But they will come to nothing. No weapon shall prosper, no attack will prevail. You are hedged by angels protecting you, dispatched by a God who will never forsake you. Selah.
Lord, thank you for your eternal protection and vindication. Help us to see the enemy as they truly are, already defeated and awaiting Your coming righteous judgement. Amen.