We’ve all heard the saying, “I can tell by the look on your face,” and we’ve certainly made that observation. Being social creatures, it’s pretty easy to tell what’s going through someone’s mind by their expressions.
Scripture teaches us our face radiates a happy heart to others. But Jesus also warned against false prophets saying, “You will know them by their fruits.” (Mat 7:16). These fruits in others and ourselves are actions and expressions. Both good and evil intentions show plainly on our face to those observing wisely.
When we walk holy, close to God, people know by our countenance. Mark 16:12 tells of Jesus, And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered. Likewise, the prophet Isaiah informs us, For the look on their faces bears witness against them; (Isa 3:9a). Even the world knows this, evidenced by the quote affirmed by psychologists, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.”
This instructs two things. The first is to observe others, especially in this day of mounting deceit, when they attempt to sway to their opinion. What is their motivation? We are, after all, to test the spirits so we know whether they are from God. Many wolves adorned in wool seek to pervert and nullify the gospel message of Christ.
Second, our hearts must be kept pure. This doesn’t mean we are perfect—in this life we will never be. But we are being perfected and must remain attentive and submissive to the Holy Spirit’s work to form within us the mind of Christ.
Wise and discerning. Faithful and obedient. Constantly diligent. And the eyes have it…
Lord, grant us wisdom to produce good fruit visible in our countenance and to discern the fruit in others so that we embrace holiness and not evil. In the name of Jesus, Amen.