Baby dedications are coming up in which, among other things, parents acknowledge their child belongs to God and submit themselves to His rights as our creator. We hope and pray the child will live a godly life and reap bountiful blessings from our loving Lord.
But for that to happen, the child must be taught to live appropriately, setting aside the sins of the world while continuing to dedicate their lives to God; parents and family (biological and church) publicly pledge stewardship in training the young one. And while guarding and guiding continue for life, eventually the child matures, taking personal responsibility for their own heart-generated actions.
The Christian heart is bold in God and humble in self, trusting not in deceits of flesh, but seeking understanding in scripture. It acquires wisdom not from personal prudence, but from trusting God’s almighty providence. It seeks true godliness, the genuine wealth of this and the next world, rather than counterfeit fame or riches accrued in this world only.
Dedication is devotion to God, setting aside one’s self for His greater purpose, allowing our journey and destination to be mapped by divine direction rather than by selfish interests. His wisdom is vastly greater than ours. He knows what is absolutely best and gives us that if we simply pray, “Yes, Lord.”
Rather odd, don’t you think, that we are so mindful of baby dedications—indeed wonderful and scripturally-based—yet we can tend to overlook the adult dedication each of us should reaffirm to God daily as part of Christian service? As Jesus taught, “Father, Your will be done,” should be part of every prayer.
Lord, Your ways are far above my ways, so I re-dedicate my life to You, yielding to Your guidance and direction in my life and actions. Help me to be more like you. Form within me the mind of Christ. Lead my heart in Your purpose. Amen.