Cancel Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday—but 2020 came along and will potentially change our normal plans. Sylvia and I are still deciding how best to celebrate, but with some of the risk categories in my immediate family, it’s unlikely to be the traditional elbow-to-elbow gathering gorging on copious unhealthy goodies we “thankfully” ingest but once per year.

And with the pandemic, political division, social unrest, police defunding, and murder hornets to boot, what’s there really to be thankful for?


For a start, how about: 1.) God is awesome. 2) God has blessed us in so many ways. 3) In God, we have hope and a future no matter what we go through. 4) God often uses hard times to work good in our lives. 5) God gives us strength to persevere and endure. 6) Tons more, you fill in the blanks…

But Thanksgiving this year will likely, at least in our house, be different. And thankfully so. There’s a tendency to view the holiday as the day we should give thanks, instead of a day we should give thanks. In reality, we should thank God every moment of every day. We are to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1Th 5:18) and I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psa 34:1 ESV).

So, while we celebrate this marvelous holiday by breaking bread with family and friends, how about morphing Thanksgiving into Thanksliving, proclaiming His wonders and singing His praises in gratitude every date on the calendar?

Lord, we are thankful for who You are and for the wonderful blessings You bestow upon us daily. We enter Your courts with thanksgiving, singing Your praises and magnifying Your holy name. Unto You be Blessings and Honor and Glory forever. Amen.