How to See Clearly When Vision Becomes Clouded

Much has been written about entrepreneurial vision and passion. While these are without doubt highly important traits, they have also led many companies into financial ruin when the passion degrades into stubborn mule-headedness, and the vision which seems so clear is, in reality, merely an illusion.

Wisdom is where it’s really at, my friends.

Think of it like a race car. Passion is the fuel. Vision is the finish line, but Wisdom is always in the driver’s seat of those who reach the winner’s circle. Wisdom is what allows the creation of workable strategies in business as well as in all of life.

I’ll not pretend to know your business. Only you do. But I can tell you that a change in strategy may indeed be a wise decision for many companies to continue seeing success – or to achieve greater success.

Where does wisdom come from?

It can come from experience, which takes the longest and, unfortunately, sometimes we don’t always understand the lesson right away.

Most effectively, it comes from a knowledgeable mentor. A person who’s been there. Done that. And got a three-piece suit instead of just a T-shirt. A person who is successful in the same or similar arena as yours.

Mentors are certainly not a new idea. The word comes from a character by the same name in Homer’s ancient Greek text The Odyssey. Mentor was the man (and later woman – the goddess Athena in disguise) who tutored and guided Telemachus throughout his travels in search of his father.

Is there a mentor in your life? A trusted friend, counselor, and teacher who is helping you grow in your business, career, education, or social network?

If so, great for you.

If not, where do you find one?

Maybe you already know this person. If you don’t, SCORE, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club are great sources of possible candidates.

But remember, once you’ve obtained success, you then owe the price of paying back the favor and becoming a mentor to another, so that they too may achieve.

Pass wisdom along.