Weather You Are…

The weather has been a topic lately. Record snowpack and rainfall replaced drought, overflowing riverbanks, replenishing a forgotten lake, and turning farmland into swamps. Tornados continue to ravish parts of our country. La Niña will likely become El Niño.

While there is devastation, I also see beautifully lush green hills decorated with purple and yellow wildflowers overarched by a clean azure sky dappled with billowy clouds tinted gold, amber, scarlet, and amethyst during the sun’s rise and set.

I recently saw a quote that read, “Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.”

We see storms in the natural and storms in the spirit. Both are whooshing away debris, allowing us to witness previously unseen things and unblocking the way forward toward our promise. God uses invisible winds of earth and spirit to expose the way He has decreed in infinite wisdom.

Clear skies never fail to return after every storm. The tempest is always replaced by tranquility. We serve the God of peace and the God of the storm. He uses both to protect and prepare us. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 instructs us to be thankful in all circumstances. The way we do this is by realizing we are journeying to a magnificent place, and the Holy Spirit is guiding us and clearing the way.

Weather demonstrates God’s power and majesty, a reminder of who is in ultimate control. We are His children whom He loves, protects, and blesses. And so, He will bring us safely through every storm. Jesus calmed the seas for the apostles and will do the same for us.

Thank You, Lord, that You are unblocking everything that would stand in the way of our growing and strengthening relationship with You. Thank you for using wind, lightning, and rain in both world and spirit to demonstrate Your awesome power. All honor and glory to You. Amen.