Heat Advisory

According to climate data, the last eight years have been the most scorching on record. But since reasonably accurate records have been kept only since 1880—a rather small sampling considering the age of God’s earth—that true statement may not represent the larger and more complete truth. Regardless, it’s been hot…

The Bible talks about heat, both literally and metaphorically. Literally, the heat of the sun can be harsh and unforgiving, capable of withering plants and causing people to faint. This is seen in passages such as James 1:11-12, For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. (I know my petals have surely withered a lot lately.) The sun’s heat is also a metaphor for trials and tribulations. For example, Job is subjected to a series of hardships, including the loss of family and possessions. He describes his suffering as being “like the heat of the desert” (Job 23:18).

But rest assured, God controls the thermostat and will not crank it so high we cannot endure it. Psalm 104:19 says, He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Even when suffering from the heat, we can trust God is in charge and will not allow us to be overwhelmed so long as we put our faith in Him. He will guide us through each struggle into ultimate triumph. It may be difficult, but difficult and impossible are not the same things. Remember that God uses the heat of the furnace to refine ugly rock into glistening gold. And, my beloved, you are being refined into something far more beautiful than you can possibly imagine. But if you think what you’re going through is hot now, imagine how eternally hot it will be for those who reject God.

Lord, we thank You for your refining fire which forms us into what You’ve called us to be. We thank you for protecting us and giving us comfort in even the most trying circumstances. Our faith is forever in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.