Nailed It!

We say, “He nailed it!” when someone does something perfectly. When our Lord came to Earth as fully man yet fully God in the person of Jesus, he “nailed” perfectly the atonement for our sins and gave us unblemished salvation, restoring us to right-standing before God in a way impossible for the Law to accomplish.

Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice has lifted the burden of the divine curse caused by man’s disobedience. Jesus, because of His great love, suffered that curse upon Himself both physically and spiritually in our stead. The divine curse was removed, replaced by bountiful blessings. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us – for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree” – (Gal 3:13 ESV).

The rulers and authorities in Colossians 2:15 are demonic principalities and powers with all their darts they attempt to hurl our way. Sin, Fear, Faults, Failures, Condemnation, Sickness, Disease, Defeat, and Death are powerless against us, nailed to the cross in the victory we have in Christ. While we can never possibly repay that glorious triumph He has brought into our lives, we can certainly dishonor His loving sacrifice by un-nailing and re-taking what was hung there for our good. And we sin (miss the mark) when failing to recognize as such those unclean things nailed there we should not touch.

When the enemies attempt to trespass in your mind – for they will continue to fling their darts – remember the bloody nails through the hands of our savior made those wicked imaginings completely ineffective. Use the mighty weapons of God to pull down every stronghold (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, but Satan was crushed by the cross.

Lord, I thank you for restoring me to right-standing with You, and that no weapon, wile, or device of the enemy are effective any longer. They are Nailed to the cross by Your perfect sacrifice and will remain there always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.