The Wrong Side of the Tracks

When God came to Earth in the fleshly form of Jesus, the Jews expected a messiah far different than the manifestation of Christ. They expected a king that would overthrow the nations holding them in bondage and restore their promised kingdom. Instead they got a humble man from a lowly city that was unknown for birthing anything worthwhile. When Nathaniel questioned Phillip, implying this well-know fact, Phillip’s response was simply, “Come and see.” Jesus – from the wrong side of the tracks – was destined to change the world forever.

God has always used the unexpected underdog to fulfill His mighty works. And the destinies of His chosen people became far different than the world would have ever predicted. Consider Moses, Gideon, David, and each of the chosen Apostles. None would have been chosen based upon their backgrounds, but God fills positions based upon hearts rather than circumstances of birth.

Perhaps like these, you were not born with the silver spoon. But God will still use you to fulfill His calling in your life, regardless of how circumstances appear. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (Rom 11:29 NKJ).

God placed a desire in your heart and called you to achieve something. Never become discouraged. He will yet accomplish it in His perfect timing. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son… (Gal 4:4a NKJ).

Though the Tempter would whisper otherwise, you have every qualification God requires and you are never too old. And Caleb…said to him: “You know the word…the LORD said…now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old…as my strength was then, so now is my strength…the LORD will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out…” (Jos 14:6-12 abr. NKJ).

Lord, let us be patient like Caleb, waiting in faith for Your promise, that we may accomplish Your perfect destiny in our lives. Amen.